
The Institute promotes engagement of all chain links, pursues efficiency and sustainability of the System and acts to promote socialenvironmental education.

Created in December of 2001 by the manufacturing industry, the National Institute for Processing Empty Packages (inpEV) is a non-profit entity that currently has more than 140 companies and ten industry representation entities, distributors and farmers in its membership roster

In 2021, the Institute continued the Receiving Stations Integrated Management Program, finishing the year with 52 stations under direct management. Process standardization, including the increase in the number of ISO 9001 certified stations (quality management), joint operational planning and the activities of regional specialized teams are some examples of improvements achieved through this program, which already amounts to resource savings of around R$ 5 million.

In line with the integrating attitude principle and with the commitment to dialog and uphold transparency with distributors, inpEV has held periodic meetings for accountability purposes. Each receiving station meets with the associations and cooperatives in its region to present the results achieved with the model.


All ethics and integrity guidelines can be found in the inpEV Code of Conduct, a document that also includes the Anti-corruption and Fair Trade policies.

In 2021, an e-learning platform was launched on the Code of Conduct and 86.6% of the workers concluded this training.


Since 2019, when the Receiving Stations Integrated Management Program first started, the number of inpEV workers grew more than 75%. One of the cornerstones of this process is to keep the professionals that already worked at the units that have been transferred to the Institute's administration, thus acknowledging the dedication and experience of this team that forms the Campo Limpo System over a longer period.

All of them undergo an induction program, which seeks to disseminate the ethics and integrity culture and directives, and also includes training on the existing management systems and safety standards. There is also the sponsorship program, in which a more experienced worker is assigned to follow a recently inducted professional, offering support to his/her adaptation and clarifying doubts about the work routine.

42% of the team works in the Southeast region.